Not just poultry savings for Telford Farmer
Calibrate analysed energy use and optimised systems so the client could capitalise on the improvements.
- Farmer saves £117,000 p/a on electricity
- Reduces carbon emissions by 136 tonnes CO2 per year
- Increases efficiency of heat pump to Ofgem RHI standards to maintain income
As energy prices soar, Calibrate has helped a Telford poultry farmer save £117,000 per year on energy. The farm’s energy bills doubled from £220,000 to £440,000 per annum so in re-engineering their older system installed by a third party, Calibrate have transformed the farm’s energy profile.
Calibrate were increasingly seeing cases like this of older heat pumps and owners who were struggling to get the benefits due to antiquated and often unmaintained systems. The technology should be immensely efficient, with multi-heat, chilling and energy-generating opportunities, but these systems were no longer performing as optimally as they should.
Having developed Calibrate Analytics, a clever controller to interrogate the pump’s and site’s energy use and identify ways to save money, Calibrate were in an ideal position to help the farm mitigate against down time and rising costs.
Calibrate were able to demonstrate in real time, what some simple changes would make to Mr Timmis’ bottom line, surpassing his expectations for the system. From the data gathered from the controller, the team set about designing a series of improvements to heighten performance.
The outcome was significant. By re-working some inefficient settings and implementing some re-works to the heating loop, the heat pump’s co-efficiency of performance doubled to go above the standards expected by Ofgem, meaning the farm’s RHI rebate was no longer threatened. The farm was also able to drastically cut energy costs and carbon emissions.
“Re-calibrating my system has had a massive impact on my bottom line by slashing my electricity input from the grid to offset the energy cost increases. I have also significantly reduced my CO2 output, making the farm greener as well as make savings.”
Following this sort of project, and with a software upgrade, the next stage that the client and other businesses can then consider is Calibrate’s Gridflex service. This is where the controller acts as an energy aggregator, adjusting electricity use at peak times and selling excess energy back to the National Grid. Gridflex fully manages this behaviour, providing clients with a totally hands-free passive income running in parallel to business as usual and making energy work for you rather than against.
For more information, get in touch!