Diminishing returns,
how can farmers fight back?

Problem 1

Are your energy prices are shooting up astronomically?

Problem 2

Has Brexit and Covid hit your pocket?

Problem 3

Is Government support/are payments diminishing?

Problem 4

Is your ground source heat pump (GSHP) under performing?

Added pain!

Throw in the potential that Ofgem could claim back RHI tariff on GSHPs operating less than 2.9% efficiency (COP), and the problem grows…

If you have one of more of these problems, your business is being impacted financially…

What can you do?


Help your business survive by mitigating against economic and legislative impacts by increasing your Ground Source Heat Pump return on investment by up to 50%. The Calibrate Analytics can assess and optimise your assets for a better bottom line.

Challenge Calibrate to get optimal performance from your system with a fast return on investment and extra profit.

Supporting farmers…
Calibrate design, install and maintain commercial Ground Source Heat Pumps. We are experts in Environmental Energy Engineering and for over a decade we have saved our clients millions through innovative and optimised technology.

However, not all systems are equal, we are aware that there are systems out there that were not installed as they should be, and a few simple additions or amends could pay significant dividends.

Do you know if your heat pump is at its best? Old and new systems can fall short of this.

Equally many early adopters of this technology have been over charged (by today’s market standards), leaving clients paying more and without a maintenance agreement in place, the technology has not kept up leaving poor performance. We can intervene to counteract this by optimising your system to give you the highest ROI.

We assess systems 200kW and above to ensure that your Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) is at peak performance. If it is not, we have a series of solutions to fix it.

Contact Us

In these uncertain times, we have a way to allow you to sit back, relax and enjoy a healthier bottom line for your business. Get in touch now to see how we can help.

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