Calibrate Solar Power Systems
Reduce costs and your carbon footprint
Electricity prices are expected to double again in April 2022, if you want free electricity read on…
Harnessing the energy from the sun through solar technology is a way to reduce your business’s overheads and carbon footprint.
Not only are solar systems a guilt-free way to power your buildings and business/process, they can also be installed with little space, be it on a roof out of sight or using small out of the way areas of waste or disused land.
Installing a solar array requires no down time for your business as we ensure that there is as little impact on the day-to-day as possible. Calibrate will do a feasibility study to help us to design the best option for you, either purely solar, or with other new or existing renewables. Then we will install your system and support you through the handover and even long term maintenance.
Our solar systems are fully managed through our innovative controller, Calibrate Analytics, which acts as a clever brain that will get the most our of your resource in terms of energy savings and environmental impact. The controller also acts as a conduit to the National
Grid, whereby the system can take advantage of demand side response (DSR) also known as grid balancing.
DSR allow clients with high electrical usage, to reduce non-essential energy use at times of peak demand or increase use at times of low demand. The controller will also mange your existing and future electrical assets and by adjusting your demands on the national grid, you save money and receive additional income for your business.
Any questions? Contact us and we’ll do our best to answer them.
Certified and Accredited
Calibrate Energy is a member of the GSHP Association.
We have also achieved ISO9001 NQA status.